How many times can a person forgive?

I've been hurt by people. And I've hurt people myself.
The hardest thing is that you can't do anything about it once it's done. And that you will never be able to do something undone. The things you can do, is to make sure that you will never do it again and to say you're sorry. But it will take time to heal the scars, to forgive and to be able to trust again.
So once again, I'm sorry. 
// E - You can't broke anything that's already broken. But is it possible to fix something that's been broked?

Postat av: cassandra

sv; just nu jobbar jag på restaurang Salt. men till sommaren kommer jag att jobba på en annan restaurang som heter Punch :)

2010-04-20 @ 15:51:17

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